Friday, September 10, 2010

A Paige of Senior Photos

Paige's mom called Katie before I returned from Maine to set up an appointment to do some Senior pictures. After looking through my portfolios and seeing some other work she really liked the Avedon-inspired shots done on white. We were originally only going to do one outfit in that style but we ended up spending over half the session just playing with different outfits and poses against it!

They're will be more pictures to come but it was so fun to just let loose and play, the four of us were about 5% serious the whole time!

28th Anniversary Pictures

We had a great time taking some 28th wedding anniversary photos with Eileen and Roger this past Labor day. They found us through our booth at Denver's community band festival this past August, a very fun event with performers from all over the city!

We went to the park in Aurora they were married in (it was the only one at the time with any big-ish trees)and had a blast. In chatting I found out they never had engagement photos done so they figured it was about time!

It was great to see how much they loved each other after so many years and I'd like to thank them for such a great time!

Photo courtesy of Katie ;-)